Contemplating the upcoming year.

I captured this photo from my patio the other day.   This Great White Egret perched by the lake brought my mind to the necessity of stillness.

Comtemplation is an interesting word.  Oxford defines it as "the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time or "deep reflective thought."

As the New Year begins to dawn its blessings upon us.  Let us stop long enough and reflect deeply upon the goodness of God and the fact that we could even anticipate another 365 days of life. 

2022 said goodbye to a number of lives that will forever live in our memories.  2022 said goodbye to many heartaches and breakups that will forever teach us lessons of grace and forgiveness.  2022 moved many obstacles from our paths that we would still be stumbling over today.

Brokenness always follows breakthroughs that require faith to comprehend and trust in God to overcome.

My Virtuous Sisters, I am looking forward to all that 2023 has to offer you and me.

My WORD for 2023 is “NEW.”  Every year a word is given to me to guide my thoughts and facet my cognitive strengths.  Last year the word was “FREEDOM” and that word significantly encaptured the entire year on so many levels for me.

But, for 2023, God is doing NEW things and I am bracing my spiritual equilibrium to walk in the newness of it all. Let us consider the new things God will do in our lives in 2023!

Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 AMP

Be on the lookout for the new thing that is springing forth in your life this year. Don’t miss it. Even when roadblocks appear and wilderness experiences arise, let’s expect the promised roads of deliverance and be aware of rivers right in the midst of our deserts. This is the promise of our God!

A New Me in 2023!!!

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